Working Papers

Working Papers

  1. Organizational Capital and Its Role in Shaping Employee Attitudes.
  2. Does Corporate Social Responsibility Reduce the Likelihood of Negative Corporate Events?
  3. Naik, Kasturi R., Ranajee, Jain, Ravi Kumar B, Metaverse-Based Technologies in E-commerce: Revisiting Customer Experience. Journal, Metaverse in e-commerce industry: current trends and future scope, Metaverse in e-commerce industry: current trends and future prospects,
  4. Ranajee, Naik, Kasturi R, Shoot the messenger or adapt to change.
  5. Ranajee, Naik, Kasturi R, Leadership; Corporate governance and sustainability.
  6. Ranajee, Naik, Kasturi R, The Impact-Driven Leader: Making a Difference in the Corporate World.
  7. Ranajee, Naik, Kasturi R, Impact-Driven Family Business Leadership: Leading with Purpose and Vision.
  8. Jain, Ravi Kumar B., Naik, Kasturi R, Institutional Holding and Price Efficiency: Evidence from Indian Capital Markets.
  9. Jain, Ravi Kumar B., Naik, Kasturi R, Relationship Between Operational Efficiency and Financial Performance: An Empirical Study of Indian Companies.
  10. Naik, Kasturi R., Jain, Ravi Kumar B., Beyond the Code: Decoding Leadership Styles for the Digital Age.
  11. Naik, Kasturi R., Jain, Ravi Kumar B., Beyond Bits and Bytes: A Triangulated Exploration of Technology and Leadership.
  12. Naik, Kasturi R., Jain, Ravi Kumar B., AI-Driven Decision Making in the ITES Sector: A Leadership Perspective.
  13. Jain, Ravi Kumar B., Naik, Kasturi R., Measuring the Operational Efficiency of Airlines in the Post-COVID Era.
  14. Jain, Ravi Kumar B., Naik, Kasturi R., Profit as a Social Contract for Wealth Creation.
  15. Naik, Kasturi R., Jain, Ravi Kumar B., AI-Driven Decision Making in the ITES Sector: Challenges and Opportunities.
  16. Naik, Kasturi R., Jain, Ravi Kumar B., Phygital Leadership model in context of Multicultural Organizations.
  17. Jain, Ravi Kumar B., Risk Assessment and Management in Small and Medium Enterprises, The Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies - Sage Publications.
  18. Jain, Ravi Kumar B.. Unveiling the Puzzle of Social Media Adoption by SMEs. (ABDC A category, WoS/SSCI, Scopus)
  19. Jain, Ravi Kumar B., Measuring the Operational Efficiency of Indian SMEs, Journal of Management Studies (ABDC – A*)
  20. Jain, Ravi Kumar B., Direct Marketing as a Branding Tool – A Case of Indian SMEs, Political Research Quarterly.
  21. Naik, Kasturi R., Jain, Ravi Kumar B, Emergent HR Leadership in the Phygital Realm: A New Paradigm. 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
  22. Naik, K. R., Ranajee, Jain, R. K., & Iyengar, S. R Naik. Artificial intelligence and banking in 2047: A data-driven perspective with a focus on Indian banks. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance. Macro research proposal, under review.

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